佩斯畫廊(Pace Gallery):深耕亞洲、追求創新的老牌機構

佩斯畫廊(Pace Gallery):深耕亞洲、追求創新的老牌機構

儘管坐擁58 年歷史, 佩斯畫廊卻一直都在追求藝術領域的創新精神, 代理包括始創於1960年代的「藝術與科技實驗室」(Experiments in Art and Technology)中的著名藝術家羅伯特.羅森柏格(Robert Rauschenberg)、羅伯特.惠特曼(Robert Whitman)等,以及美國加州「光與空間」運動(Light and Space Movement)代表人物詹姆斯.特瑞爾(James Turrell)等。
佩斯畫廊總裁兼首席執行官馬克.格里姆徹(Marc Glimcher)。(佩斯畫廊提供)
這一在全球七個城市設立10 個空間的龐大機構更是廣泛與包含錄像藝術家米歇·魯芙娜(Michael Rovner)、聲音藝術家尼可萊(Carsten Nicolai)在內的當代藝術家合作;於2016年啟動的公共藝術品牌「未來佩斯」(Future\Pace),代表其在「無圍牆的畫廊」概念下,進一步開拓公共領域中與藝術家合作、介入城市地景的新模式。
佩斯畫廊香港H Queen’s 大樓空間一景。(佩斯畫廊提供)
自2008 年在北京設立分支機構起,佩斯畫廊已扎根亞洲十年,2014 年進駐香港後,與近年同樣在香港設立據點的其他國際頂級畫廊相比,更具成熟的亞洲在地優勢。目前佩斯畫廊已代理超過20 位亞洲藝術家,並且透過佩斯香港雙空間與首爾空間的設立,將繼續擴大亞洲視野,並期待深入東南亞地區的藝術生態。
佩斯畫廊將於「台北當代藝博」呈現米歇.鲁芙娜(Michal Rovner)作品。(藝術家及Artists Rights Society提供)
佩斯畫廊在「台北當代藝博」上將延續機構長期以來的創新追求,以多元類型的展區規劃,挑戰以畫作展呈為主體的傳統藝博形態。羅伯特.羅森伯格、朱利安.施耐貝爾(Julian Schnabel)等國際一線藝術家作品將悉數出現於佩斯畫廊展區,米歇·魯芙娜與里奧.維拉里爾(Leo Villareal)的影像與燈光裝置也將成為一大亮點;而李禹煥、奈良美智、張曉剛、宋冬、尹秀珍等長期合作的亞洲藝術家,更是代表了佩斯畫廊在亞洲的深耕力度。

Pace Gallery: an Established Institution that Pursues Innovation and Invests Deeply in Asia
By Yan Xiao-Xiao
Even with 58-years of history, Pace Gallery is still constantly in pursuit of innovative spirit in art. Its represented artists include the renowned artist Robert Rauschenberg and Robert Whitman, two of the co-founders of the "Experiments in Art and Technology" of the 1960s; James Turrell, the key figure of the Light and Space Movement in California and so on. This large organization with 10 spaces in 7 cities around the world has collaborated extensively with video and sound artist including Michal Rovner and Carsten Nicolai. With the launch of its public art brand "Future/Pace" in 2016, Pace Gallery presents a new model of collaboration with artists on the concept of "wall-less galleries" for interventions into urban landscapes in the public domain.
To this year, Pace Gallery has already invested in Asia for a decade since the opening of its Beijing Gallery in 2008, therefore when the gallery entered Hong Kong in 2014, it was able to proceed with a much more developed presence compared to other top international galleries that have only just established in Hong Kong in recent years. Currently, Pace Gallery represents over 20 Asian artists, with two Hong Kong galleries and a newly established Seoul gallery, together they are determined on continuous expansion on their vision for Asia and also expected to further develop into Southeast Asia.
For "Taipei Dangdai", Pace Gallery continues its institutional goal of continuous pursuit in innovation, with a strategy of a multi-disciplinary exhibition that challenges the traditional form of art fair exhibitions emphasizing on painting. The works of internationally distinguished artists such as Robert Rauschenberg and Julian Schnabel amongst others, will be part of the Pace Gallery booth, also expecting to be a big highlight are the video and light installations by Michal Rovner and Leo Villareal; together with their long-term collaborating Asian artist such as Lee Ufan, Yoshitomo Nara, Zhang Xiaogang, Song Dong, Yin Xiuzhen, demonstrates the steady endeavors of Pace Gallery in Asia.
嚴瀟瀟(Yan Xiao-Xiao)( 220篇 )

影像研究出身,關注藝術創作、展演機制範疇內的各方面生態,以及藝術與哲學、科學、社會學、神秘學等跨域連結議題。嗜以藝術為入口,踏上不斷開闢新視野的認知旅程。曾任Blouin Artinfo中文站資深編輯、《典藏•今藝術》資深採訪編輯、《典藏•今藝術&投資》總編輯,現任典藏雜誌社(《典藏•今藝術&投資》、典藏ARTouch)總編輯。