Critic Tic-Tac-Toe

Our new column has been released! Follow us on Critic Tic-Tac-Toe for the latest and most depth Taiwanese art news.

【Column by Lawyer Lan】Behind the Stage: Copyright Protection for Performing Arts
Taiwan's domestic performing arts scene has experienced sign...
【Column by Lawyer Lan】Deconstructing the Rights of VR Animations
While Taiwan's VR animations are picking international inter...
The Hidden North | The Hunger Theater: Capitalization of the Indigenous Community in Taiwan
The most treacherous virus in Taiwan's contemporary art scen...
The Semiotics Of Phosphorescence: Tsai-ling Tseng’s “Tu Di Gong Doesn’t Bless Me” At Venue
“Tu Di Gong Doesn’t Bless Me” isn’t a cheerful show, it does...
Seeing “In-house Curator” in Museums from National Palace Museum and National Museum of History
In conclusion, when we use the museum as a starting point to...