

1 月的「台北當代藝博」在台北舉辦,除證明亞洲藝術市場日益增長的重要性外,也展現台北成為主要藝術市場重鎮的潛力。這場國際藝博會,除了再次肯定台灣的藝術發展及藏家的實力外,也看見了台灣在發展會展產業上的優點,包括稅率、便捷通關服務、國際與當地交通便利及會展設施的軟硬體等。
台灣現當代藝術從20 世紀開始,前輩藝術家以精彩作品,與歐洲及日本的藝術思潮對話,到21 世紀台灣當代藝術家取材生命經驗,跨領域創作反思社會及環境議題。文化藝術及自由創作的環境,擁抱多元價值及觀點,一直是台灣進步的驅動力,逐步發展出屬於台灣的文化精神,讓台灣藝術持續與世界對話。政府的公共治理亦須以支持藝術生態發展體系為目標,打造全民美學的環境,提供藝術家追求卓越的舞台。
台灣藝術產業的優勢是擁有自由開放的藝術環境,孵育許多有想法、有創造力的藝術家,加上具有國際眼光的畫廊及藏家,在民主法治的體制下,形成藝術市場的機制與結構。「藝術博覽會」在此結構中扮演重要的「結點」,提供藝術家及畫廊直接面對觀眾與市場的機會,也讓藏家與觀眾的回饋,成為再創作的動力。台灣藝博會的發展,不僅有「台北國際藝術博覽會」的25 年歷程,近年在高雄、台南、台中各地亦有雨後春筍般大小規模不一的藝博會,梳理出當代藝術的發展脈絡,搭建最佳的平台與機會,呈現亞洲的多樣風貌,讓我們看見:「藝術正改變亞洲,亞洲也正改變藝術」。
1 月的「台北當代藝博」在台北舉辦,除證明亞洲藝術市場日益增長的重要性外,也展現台北成為主要藝術市場重鎮的潛力。這場國際藝博會,除了再次肯定台灣的藝術發展及藏家的實力外,也看見了台灣在發展會展產業上的優點,包括稅率、便捷通關服務、國際與當地交通便利及會展設施的軟硬體等。台灣最美的風景是人,藝術家、藝術產業工作者、甚至於一般民眾,都是張開雙臂迎向世界,國際各藝術機構代表、收藏家與策展人來到台北,直接感受台灣的藝術文化的魅力,也讓台灣藝術家與國際畫廊代理的藝術家同台,以藝術開展交流與對話。

Taiwan as a News Lens to View Asian Art
By Cheng Li-Chun
Taiwanese arts and culture have vitality and diversity derived from the uniqueness of its geography and culture. Geographically, Taiwan is surrounded by the ocean, with varying terrains such as flat plains, hills, b a s i n s a n d h i g h m o u n t a i n s , fo r m i n g ecology that spans from tropic, subtropical, temperate, to a frigid zones. Historically and culturally, Taiwan is a part of the tropical Austronesian language family, the Age of Discovery, and the subject of colonialism and migration. These have made lifestyles and culture in Taiwan.
Taiwanese mod ern and contemporary art began in the 20th cent ury. Throug h their spectacular works, the old masters responded to European and Japanese art theories. Moving onto the 21st century, Taiwanese artis ts s tarted to draw on their life experiences, creating crossdisciplinary works that reflect on various social and environmental issues. The arts culture, environment that allows freedom of expression, the acceptance of different values and perspectives have always been the driving force for Taiwan's progress matching with the rest of the world. The government must provide a framework where the art environment can grow, introducing nationwide aesthetics appreciation, and providing a platform where artists are can excel.
Taiwan's art industry has the advantage of a liberal environment. It is an incubator for creativity and talents, and paired with galleries and collectors possessing international visions, creates a market mechanism based upon democracy and regulation. "Art fairs" form an important "node" within this structure, providing an opportunity for artists and galleries to face the audiences and market directly, and forming a platform to which collectors and viewers can give their feedback. The development of art fairs in Taiwan is not limited to the 25-year history of ART TAIPEI. In recent years, there have been many art fairs of various scales appearing in Kaohsiung, Tainan, Taichung as well as other cities. They contribute to the advancement of contemporary art, offering opportunities, and presenting the dynamic aspects of Asia, therefore allowing us to see that, "Art is changing Asia, and Asia is changing art."
Taipei Dangdai addresses the ever-growing importance of the Asian art market. It also endorses Taipei's potential as a major art market, and reaffirms the art industry and the strength of collectors. Moreover, it demonstrates the progress Taiwan has made in hosting conventions and exhibitions, including improvements in the tax, customs procedures, international and domes tic travels, hardware facilities, and service supports, etc. The most beautiful sceneries in Taiwan are the people: artists, art industry, and the general public. People of Taiwan welcome the world with open arms to be the arts and culture of Taiwan. Taipei Dangdai aslo increases Taiwanese artists' visibility on the same stage as international artists and galleries, initiating new artistic discourse and exchange.
鄭麗君( 1篇 )


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