豪瑟沃斯畫廊(Hauser & Wirth):打造有影響力的藝術商業帝國

豪瑟沃斯畫廊(Hauser & Wirth):打造有影響力的藝術商業帝國

活躍於歐洲藝壇的瑞士豪瑟沃斯畫廊(Hauser & Wirth),由伊萬.豪瑟(Iwan Wirth)和與曼努埃拉.沃斯(Manuela Wirth)夫婦與曼努埃拉的母親烏蘇拉.豪瑟(Ursula Hauser)成立,2018 年宣布近期將在瑞士滑雪勝地莫里茨(St. Moritz)成立第九家畫廊。
豪瑟沃斯畫廊合夥人,從左至右:馬克.佩約特(Marc Payot)、伊萬.豪瑟曼努與埃拉.沃斯(Manuela Wirth)夫婦。(豪瑟沃斯畫廊提供)
2018 年伊萬與曼努埃拉夫婦擠進「ArtReview 藝術權力百大排行榜」(Power 100)前十名並高居第六位。豪瑟沃斯畫廊除了定期舉辦畫廊展覽外,還會與知名策展人合作推出學術性展覽,作為20 世紀藝術家的展演平台。目前豪瑟沃斯展出過的藝術家包括:漢斯.阿爾普(Hans Arp)、露易絲.布爾喬亞(Louise Bourgeois)、菲利普. 加斯頓(Philip Guston)、伊娃馬克.佩約特海瑟(Eva Hesse),以及近幾年力推的亞歷山大.考爾德(Alexander Calder)等。
2018 年豪瑟沃斯畫廊(香港)「羅尼.霍恩」展場一景。(豪瑟沃斯畫廊提供)
豪瑟沃斯畫廊參與首屆「台北當代藝博」,呈現德國藝術家岡瑟.弗格(Günther Förg)個展「岡瑟.弗格藝術資產」(The Estate Günther Förg)。以抽象風格聞名的弗格,深受美國抽象繪畫啟發,1980 年代於德國慕尼黑舉辦首場個展,並推出一系列的單色畫作。其作品融合學科和界限,由於他曾從事各種與材料相關的工作,對青銅、鉛、石膏和反光玻璃等有所研究,他的創作形式亦從早期的平面繪畫,延伸至將建築或物件融入作品,創作媒材繁多,例如平面繪畫早期的單色畫與晚期的點狀畫,以及攝影和雕塑等。

Hauser & Wirth: The Building of an Art Empire
By Chen Yi-Hua
Hauser & Wirth, a Swiss gallery active in the European art scene, was founded by the husband and wife team Iwan Wirth and Manuela Wirth along with Manuela’s mother Ursula Hauser. The gallery has recently announced its plans to establish a ninth gallery at the Swiss skiing resort St. Moritz. The Wirths have run the gallery with a unique approach, establishing a great rapport with their artists. Their Somerset farm located in South West England was built as a creative space aimed to unite art and life as one, attracting the attention and visits of many artists, collectors and art lovers.
The Wirths are placed 6th on ArtReview's Power 100. Hauser & Wirth not only holds exhibitions on a regular basis, but the gallery also works with curators to present academically-oriented exhibitions, serving as a platform for 20th-century artists. Hauser & Wirth has represented artists Hans Arp, Louise Bourgeois, Philip Guston, Eva Hesse, Alexander Calder and more.
Hauser & Wirth presents German artist Günther Förg's solo exhibition "The Estate Günther Förg" at Taipei Dangdai. Renowned for his abstract style, Günther Förg was deeply inspired by American abstract paintings. He had his first solo exhibition in Munich, Germany in the 1980s, and exhibited a series of monochrome paintings. His work integrates academia and the notion of the boundary because of his background in material-related fields. He was educated in materials such as bronze, lead, plaster, reflective glass and others, allowing him to veer his creative approach from paintings to incorporate architectural elements and objects; his use of a diverse range of medium is evident in his early monochrome paintings, late spot paintings, photography, sculpture and more.
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