里森畫廊(Lisson Gallery):走過半世紀,見證藝術潮流的資深畫廊

里森畫廊(Lisson Gallery):走過半世紀,見證藝術潮流的資深畫廊

由尼古拉斯. 羅格斯戴爾(Nicholas Logsdail)於1967 年創辦, 總部位於英國倫敦的里森畫廊(Lisson Gallery)可謂全球最具影響力且資歷最悠久的畫廊之一,如今在倫敦與紐約各有兩處空間。
里森畫廊創辦人尼古拉斯. 羅格斯戴爾(Nicholas Logsdail)。(里森畫廊提供)
在2017 年慶祝成立50 周年之際,里森畫廊更推出一部超過千頁的文獻式出版品,記錄逾150 位藝術家和逾500 檔展覽資料,顯見其深厚資資歷。
累積逾半世紀的營運經驗,里森畫廊不僅見證了當代藝術發展的潮流,更成為推波助瀾的有力後盾,從成立當時風行的抽象表現主義(Abstract Expressionism)、普普藝術(Pop Art),再至觀念藝術(Conceptual Art)、極簡主義(Minimalism) 等, 里森畫廊皆支持這些如今享譽國際的藝術家奠定其早期創作生涯,在1980年代也率先推廣極具前瞻性的雕塑藝術家,如:安尼施.卡普爾(Anish Kapoor)、理查德.迪肯(Richard Deacon)、東尼. 克雷格(Tony Cragg)等。自2000年以降,仍持續代理重量級的國際藝術家,包括:瑪麗娜.阿布拉莫維奇(Marina Abramović)、艾未未、約翰. 阿克弗拉(John Akomfrah)、宮島達男(Tatsuo Miyajima);同時,也把觸角往下延伸至新生代藝術家的關注與推廣。
里森畫廊即將於「台北當代藝博」呈現阿布拉莫維奇向愛德華.孟克 致敬的同名作品《尖叫》。(圖片由里森畫廊提供)
里森畫廊此次參與「台北當代藝博」所祭出的陣容,包括:朱利安.奧培(Julian Opie)以簡化線條與色彩勾勒的經典人物新作《背包》(Rucksack), 克雷格的青銅雕塑新作《日食》(Eclipse)、極簡主義的丹尼爾.布倫(Daniel Buren)《堆積: 高度救濟》(Pile Up: High Relief)牆面雕塑,以及阿布拉莫維奇向愛德華.孟克(Edvard Munch) 致敬的同名作品《尖叫》(The Scream)。此外,也有蘿荷.普羅沃絲特(Laure Prouvost)的最新大型掛毯以及安尼施.卡普爾以及傑森.馬丁(Jason Martin)的新作。

Lisson Gallery: A Witness to 50 Years of Art
By Yang Wan-Ju
With its headquarter based in London, England, Lisson Gallery was founded by Nicholas Logsdail in 1967. The gallery currently has two spaces in both London and New York, it is deemed as one of the most influential and longest standing galleries in the world. As Lisson Gallery celebrates its 50th anniversary in 2017, it brought out a literature-style publication of over a thousand pages with details on over 500 exhibitions and 150 artists, essentially a monument to the gallery's history.
With over half a century's experience, Lisson Gallery not only witnessed the rise of contemporary art but is also its most powerful advocate. From Abstract Expressionism, Pop Art, Conceptual Art to Minimalism and others, Lisson Gallery has supported the beginnings of these now internationally renowned artists' careers. The gallery was the first to promote pioneering artists in the 1980s, such as Anish Kapoor, Richard Deacon, Tony Cragg, and others; since 2000, the gallery continues to represent famed international artists including Marina Abramović, Ai Wei Wei, John Akomfrah and Tatsuo Miyajima. The gallery extends its reach to the discovery and promotion of young emerging artists at the same time.
Lisson Gallery presents a great selection of artwork at Taipei Dangdai, including Julian Opie's new work Rucksack of simplistic lines and colors, Tony Cragg's new bronze sculpture Eclipse, Minimalist Daniel Buren's wall sculpture Pile Up: High Relief, Marina Abramović's The Scream, homage to Edvard Munch's work of the same name, Laure Prouvost's latest monumental tapestry work, and recent works by Anish Kapoor and Jason Martin.
楊椀茹 (Yang, Wan-Ju)( 160篇 )
