展現全球當代藝術史軌跡: 台北當代藝博國際畫廊介紹

展現全球當代藝術史軌跡: 台北當代藝博國際畫廊介紹

備受藝術圈矚目的「台北當代藝博會」,第一屆從 160 個申請畫廊中,精選了 90 家畫廊,在這之中台灣畫廊約佔了兩成,剩下將近 3/4 是來自亞洲各國及西方經營當代藝術的優質畫廊。帶你一次認識參展的國際畫廊。
備受藝術圈矚目的「台北當代藝博」,首屆從 160 個申請畫廊中,精選了 90 家畫廊,在這之中台灣畫廊約佔了兩成,剩下將近 3/4 是來自亞洲各國及西方經營當代藝術的優質畫廊。
過去這幾年在香港巴塞爾藝博會(Art Basel Hong Kong) 的帶動下,許多西方畫廊都進軍香港開設空間,讓亞洲的藝術觀眾,開始認識西方當代藝術家的作品。首屆「台 北當代藝博」,也得到了這些西方一線畫廊的支持和參 與,其中包括高古軒(Gagosian Gallery)、佩斯(Pace Gallery)、 貝浩登(Galerie Perrotin)、 卓納(David Zwirner Gallery)、豪瑟沃斯(Hauser & Wirth)、白立方(White Cube)、里森(Lisson Gallery)、西蒙.李 (Simon Lee Gallery)、(Thaddaeus Ropac)、常青 (Galleria Continua)等畫廊,都在兩個以上的世界主要 城市開有分支,是目前經營西方現當代藝術的畫廊中,最大規模的連鎖事業體,也因為這些畫廊在香港設有空間, 亞洲的藝術觀眾對他們的項目也相對熟悉,如果把這些連鎖畫廊旗下代理的藝術家們加起來,幾乎就是一部西方當代藝術史。
常青畫廊Galleria Continua。(© Art Basel)
在這次參展的畫廊中,來自日本東京的Taka Isshi畫廊,在紐約設有分部,他們是以經營日本當代影像作品聞名的畫廊,帥氣的老闆衣著品味極佳,一頭灰白的長髮,氣質幾乎勝過日本偶像劇男主角。Massimo de Carlo 畫廊來自義大利米蘭,這幾年積極進軍亞洲,目 前在香港及倫敦都有空間,瑞吉奧.卡特蘭(Maurizio Cattelan)和 1999 年在「威尼斯雙年展」(La Biennale di Venezia) 上 獲 得「 金獅獎 」(the Golden Lion Award) 的波拉. 皮 維(Paola Pivi)都是他旗下的藝術家。
來自倫敦的賽迪 HQ 畫廊(Sadie Coles HQ),是最早展示英國年輕藝術家(Young British Artists, 簡稱 YBAs) 之重要藝術家莎拉.盧卡斯(Sara Lucas)的畫廊,這個畫廊很早就參與在YBAs的藝術潮流中,畫廊老闆賽迪. 科 爾 斯(Sadie Coles) 的丈夫尤爾根. 泰 勒(Juergen Teller)是知名時尚攝影藝術家,與許多大牌如路易.威 登(Louis Vuitton)和時尚雜誌都合作過,拍攝過許多明星的肖像,除了藝術品味一流外,這家畫廊也常有名流光顧。
尚.凱利畫廊(Sean Kelly Gallery)成立於 1990 年代初 成立於美國紐約,尚.凱利是英國人,在成立畫廊之前, 服務於美術館,眼光前衛的他在 1991 年就已經開始與行為藝術家瑪莉娜.阿布拉莫維奇(Marina Abramovi)、 中國藝術家劉煒和孫遜等人合作。
© Art Basel
這次,還有幾家德國重要的畫廊參加「台北當代藝博」, 其中馬格斯畫廊(Sprüth Magers)畫廊起家於科隆, 由兩家畫廊合併而成,目前在柏林、倫敦和洛杉磯都設有畫廊空間,當然科隆也還有辦公室,兩位畫廊主都是女性主義者,她們在1980到1990年代就已經非常前 衛地自己辦出版品,透過展覽介紹辛蒂.雪曼(Cindy Sherman)、 珍 妮. 豪 澤(Jenny Holzer)、 巴巴拉. 克魯格(Barbara Kruger)等重要女性藝術家的作品, 成為德國當代藝術前進的重要推手之一。艾斯特.施佩爾畫廊(Esther Schipper) 也 成 立 於科 隆, 畫廊主在2011年到柏林開設空間,之後與約嫩畫廊(Johnen Galerie)合併,旗下代理的觀念藝術家都是目前炙手可熱的藝術新星。Neugerriemschneider畫廊(Galerie Neugerriemschneider)也是柏林重要的畫廊之一,他們這幾年認真耕耘亞洲的市場,亦非常值得關注。
此次參展「台北當代藝博」的亞洲畫廊,也都是各國經營 當代藝術的佼佼者,像是韓國的國際畫廊 Kukje Gallery、 ONE AND J. 畫廊,日本的 Wako Works of Art、小山登美夫畫廊(Tomio Koyama Gallery)、ShugoArts 畫廊、 東京畫廊(+BTAP Tokyo Gallery),大田秀則畫廊(Ota Fine Arts),來自菲律賓的 Silverlens 畫廊等,都是經營當代藝術畫廊中的一時之選,如此優秀的參展畫廊名單, 期待「台北當代藝博」呈現的藝術饗宴!

A Look at the Past and Present of Contemporary Art Around the World: An Introduction of International Galleries in Taipei Dangdai
By Wang Wei-Wei
The much-anticipated Taipei Dangdai has selected 90 galleries out of the 160 applied. Taiwanese galleries take up around 20% of the 90 final galleries, and the remaining 3/4 come from fine contemporary art galleries from both the East and West.
Propelled by Art Basel Hong Kong's success in recent years, many Euro-American galleries have opened up spaces in Hong Kong for audiences in Asia, introducing them to works by international contemporary artists. These top EuroAmerican galleries have expressed their support and will participate in the first Taipei Dangdai, including Gagosian Gallery, Pace Gallery, Galerie Perrotin, David Zwirner, Hauser & Wirth, White Cube, Lisson Gallery, Simon Lee Gallery, Galerie Thaddaeus Ropac, Galleria Continua and, others. These galleries have spaces in two or more major cities and are some of the most large-scale franchises in the world;their galleries in Hong Kong have allowed Asian audiences to grow more familiar with their projects. A contemporary art history of the west seems to emerge if we were to look at all the artists represented by these galleries as a collective whole.
Participating gallery Taka Ishii is based in Tokyo, Japan with a branch in New York, and is renowned for its Japanese contemporary photography works. Founded in Milan, Italy, Massimo de Carlo Gallery has made its mark in Asia in recent years, operating a space in both Hong Kong and London; Maurizio Cattelan and Paola Pivi, winner of the Golden Lion Award, at La Biennale di venezia of 1991, are some of the gallery's representing artists.
© Sadie Coles HQ
Sadie Coles HQ from London is the first gallery to exhibit works by an important artist of the YBAs – Sara Lucas; the gallery has long been involved in the artistic trends set by the YBAs. Gallery owner Sadie Coles and her husband Juergen Teller are famed fashion photographers who have worked with many major brands such as Louis Vuitton and fashion magazines. On top of its exceptional taste, the gallery is frequented by celebrities and notables.
Sean Kelly Gallery was founded in the start of the 1990s in New York. Founder Sean Kelly worked in an art museum before opening the gallery. His progressive view on art spurred the gallery's collaboration with performance artist Marina Abramović in 1991; Chinese artists Liu Wei and Sun Xun have both partnered with the gallery.
Some important German galleries also exhibit join the first Taipei Dangdai. With its start in Cologne, Sprüth Magers is a merger of two galleries. It now has a gallery space in Berlin, London, Los Angeles, and Cologne. Sprüth Magers' two feminist gallerists were the first one to have their own publications in the 1980s and 1990s. They have introduced artists Cindy Sherman, Jenny Holzer, Barbara Kruger and other significant female artists through exhibitions. Esther Schipper was also founded in Cologne with a main gallery space opened in Berlin in 2011. The gallery then merged with Johnen Galerie, and it now represents the most sought-after emerging artists. Galerie Neugerriemschneider one of Berlin's most prominent galleries; dedicated itself to the Asian market in recent years successfully in introducing some of their artists into important private collections in Asia.
All participating Asian contemporary art galleries are also the best of the best in their respective countries, such as Kukje Gallery and One and J. Gallery from Korea, Japan's Wako Works of Art, Tomio Koyama Gallery, ShugoArts, Tokyo Gallery and Ota Fine Arts, Silverlens Galleries from the Philippines are all some of the finest contemporary art galleries. With such an impressive list, Taipei Dangdai will surely be a magnificent feast of art.
王維薇( 6篇 )