甫於2018 年慶祝畫廊成立25 周年,香港空間也即將在2019年3月開幕滿七年,亞洲總監周曉雯表示:「白立方畫廊致力於推展跨越東西方的文化合作,十分注重以在香港及亞洲所達到的成就為傲。」 她說:「白立方香港自成立以來已經推出約30 檔展覽,並且持續增進與區域機構的合作……接下來幾年,我們希望在亞洲及倫敦持續展出更多亞洲藝術家。我們也將『白立方之內』計畫擴展到香港,與亞洲藝術家建立新的合作關係。」

白立方在「台北當代藝博」的展出,周曉雯表示:「亞洲藏家對於各種不同的藝術充滿熱情且有相當的知識。我們希望為客戶呈現來自畫廊代理藝術家及其他藝術家的多元媒材作品。」展出的藝術家包括YBAs代表藝術家赫斯特與葛姆雷,美國社會實踐藝術家西斯特.蓋茲(Theaster Gates),以抽象電影與繪畫聞名的英國藝術家莎拉.莫里斯 (Sarah Morris),以及2017 年第十屆「廣島藝術獎」(Hiroshima Art Prize)得主、以多媒材裝置為主要創作形式的哈同。
White Cube: Cross-Cultural Collaboration
By Isabelle Kuo
Founded in 1993, White Cube had been an important driving force for the early careers of a group of YBAs (Young British Artists) in the 1990s. Antony Gormley, Damien Hirst, and Tracey Emin were among the gallery's partnered artists who had helped shape the London contemporary art scene. White Cube is now a leading contemporary art institution and represents prominent artists worldwide, including Anselm Kiefer, Georg Baselitz, Mona Hatoum, Jeff Wall, Doris Salcedo, Liu Wei, and Park Seo-Bo.
The year of 2018 marks White Cube's 25th anniversary, and the gallery's Hong Kong space will soon celebrate its 7th birthday in March 2019. "White Cube is committed to facilitating cross-cultural exchange between the East and the West, and is extremely proud of what we have achieved in Hong Kong and in Asia," said Laura Zhou, White Cube's Director of Asia, "Our Hong Kong space has produced about 30 exhibitions, and we look forward to more collaboration with other institutions in the region. It is our goal to feature more Asian artists in our London and Asia exhibitions, and we look forward to introducing the Inside the White Cube initiative to Hong Kong to establish new connections with artists in Asia."
As an exhibitor at Taipei Dangdai, Zhou recognizes Asian collectors' passion and knowledge in a diverse range of art. She aims to showcase a collection of mixed-media pieces by White Cube's represented artists as well as other partnered artists. Represented at the fair are significant YBA figures Damien Hirst and Antony Gormley, socially-engaged American installation artist Theaster Gates, prominent British painter and abstract filmmaker Sarah Morris, and the winner of the 2017 Hiroshima Art Prize Mona Hatoum.