尚凱利畫廊(Sean Kelly Gallery):多元樣貌突顯學術深度,2019 插旗亞洲

尚凱利畫廊(Sean Kelly Gallery):多元樣貌突顯學術深度,2019 插旗亞洲

1991年於紐約成立的尚凱利畫廊,創辦之時即與諸多重量級藝術家合作迄今,包括:瑪莉娜.阿布拉莫維奇(Marina Abramović)、詹姆斯.迦斯貝爾(James Casebere)、蕾貝卡. 洪(Rebecca Horn)、凱倫. 英納斯(Callum Innes)、約瑟夫.科蘇斯(Joseph Kosuth) 以及朱利安. 沙曼托(Julião Sarmento)。旗下藝術家屢獲選國際型展覽與藝術獎項,並長期與全球重要美術館頻繁合作而備受關注。
此次於台北當代藝博中將呈現含括雕塑、油畫、繪畫、攝影等充滿視覺動態的多元類型,展出藝術家名單為:阿布拉莫維奇、迦斯貝爾、朱利安. 夏利耶(Julian Charrière)、安東尼.戈姆利(Antony Gormley)、何塞.達維拉(Jose Dávila)、山姆.莫耶(Sam Moyer)、沙夏.斯卡德(Shahzia Sikander)、賈奈娜.查普(Janaina Tschäpe)、詹姆士. 懷特(James White), 而亞洲藝術家則有謝德慶、劉煒、孫遜以及森萬里子(Mariko Mori)。
參展的亮點作品包括:英國藝術家戈姆利最為著稱的人體造型雕塑,探索身體、空間與自然的關係。而行為藝術教母阿布拉莫維奇於1975 年進行的《藝術必須美麗,藝術家必須美麗》(Art Must Be Beautiful, Artist Must Be Beautiful),在長達50分鐘的過程中持續用力梳著頭髮的同時,也不停低喃道:「藝術必須美麗,藝術家必須美麗。」痛苦的恍惚狀態反映了身體和心理瀕臨極限的狀態,這個行為藝術的黑白攝影由畫廊於1994 年首次發行,而這件鮮少於美術館以外展出的作品將在首屆的台北當代藝博呈現,也顯見畫廊與藝術家深厚的合作關係。此外,日本藝術家森萬里子的雕塑《Plasma Stone I》探索對宇宙起源的詮釋,並從中討生命的辯證。長年與亞洲藝術機構、藏家的密切交流,尚凱利畫廊也正式插旗亞洲,在高度肯定台灣藏家成熟的收藏觀念與脈絡之下,揮軍海外的首個據點即選擇台北,尚凱利畫廊.亞洲空間由資深藝術顧問林瑀希(Gladys Lin)擔任亞洲區總監,也將成為「台北當代藝博」期間的討論話題之一。

Sean Kelly Gallery: MultifacetedRepertoire Turns New Page in Asia 2019
By Yang Wan-Ju
Sean Kelly Gallery was founded in 1991 in New York. Marina Abramović, James Casebere, Rebecca Horn, Callum Innes, Joseph Kosuth, and Julião Sarmento are among the artists represented by the gallery since its beginning years. The gallery's selection of artists has been persistently awarded international prizes and invited to major international exhibitions as well as museum projects around the world.
At Taipei Dangdai, Sean Kelly Gallery will showcase sculptures, oil paintings, drawings, photography, and other visually dynamic works by Marina Abramović, James Casebere, Julian Charrière, Antony Gormley, Jose Dávila, Sam Moyer, Shahzia Sikander, Janaina Tschäpe, James White, Hsieh Teh-Ching, Liu Wei, Sun Xun, and Mariko Mori.
Exhibition highlights include British artist Antony Gormley's famous human sculpture, created to investigate the relationship between body, space, and nature; and Marina Abramović's Art Must Be Beautiful, Artist Must Be Beautiful (1975), in which the artist forcefully brushes her hair for 50 minutes while chanting uninterruptedly "Art must be beautiful, artist must be beautiful." This piece reveals a body and mind on the verge of collapsing under extreme pain and sorrow. A black and white photograph of Abramović's performance was first released in 1994 and has been shown in major museums. Its appearance at Taipei Dangdai indicates the artist's profound relationship with the gallery. Another work presented is Japanese artist Mariko Mori's Plasma Stone I, a sculpture through which the artist ponders the origin of the universe and the dialectic of life.
After years of close communication with art institutions and collectors in Asia, Sean Kelly Gallery has officially identified a new space in the region. Recognizing Taipei as a strong collector base with sophisticated art patrons, the gallery chose the city as its first stronghold overseas. Gladys Lin will lead Sean Kelly Gallery Asia (SKA) as the Director of Asia.
楊椀茹 (Yang, Wan-Ju)( 164篇 )
