國際畫廊(Kukje Gallery):韓國當代藝術走向國際的重要推手

國際畫廊(Kukje Gallery):韓國當代藝術走向國際的重要推手

由李賢淑(Lee Hyun-Sook)創辦於1982 年的國際畫廊(Kukje Gallery)是韓國最具影響力的畫廊。
國際畫廊首爾K3 空間外觀。(國際畫廊提供)
由李賢淑(Lee Hyun-Sook)創辦於1982 年的國際畫廊(Kukje Gallery)是韓國最具影響力的畫廊。近年,隨著第二代執行總監金昶翰(Charles Kim)與營運總監宋普暎(Song Bo-Young)的加入,國際畫廊逐漸超越過往作為韓國與國際藝術之間「橋樑」的角色,進一步促進雙邊的歷史對話。整建中且將於2019 年夏季重啟的畫廊空間之一K1,將包含Spa 與健身房,以及由藝術雙人組艾默格林與德拉塞特(Elmgreen & Dragset)設計的概念商店,為結合藝術的當代生活帶來嶄新詮釋。
在首屆台北當代藝博, 國際畫廊帶來藝術家梁慧圭(Haegue Yang)個展。梁慧圭以工業製品為素材,透過多層次的抽象語彙,部署關於歷史敘事、人物與社會關係的空間裝置,結合氣味、溫度、光影等感官經驗,帶來豐富的感受。2018 年甫以沃夫岡罕獎(Wolfgang Hahn Prize)得主之姿於德國科隆路德維希博物館(Museum Ludwig)舉辦個展。此次,國際畫廊展出梁慧圭以百葉窗為媒材的經典之作「索爾.勒維特翻轉」(Sol LeWitt Upside Down)(2015-)、「中間類型」(The Intermediates)(2015-)系列的吸管雕塑,以及包含壁紙與平面創作的裝置作品,透過適合藝博會的形式,濃縮呈現藝術家近來關注的焦點。
Kukje Gallery: Contemporary Korean Art on the World Stage
By Isabelle Kuo
Founded by Lee Hyun-Sook in 1982, Kukje Gallery is the most influential art gallery in Korea. Since Lee's son and daughter-in-law Charles Kim and Song Bo-Young became the executive director and managing director, the gallery has focused more on initiating historical dialogue between art in Korea and the rest of the world, bridging not only art objects but also art discourses. K1, one of the three spaces run by the gallery in Seoul, is currently under renovation to house a spa, a fitness center, and a concept store designed by artist duo Elmgreen & Dragset. This brand new venture will open in the summer of 2019 and will redefine the notion of lifestyle in the contemporary world.
For the first edition of Taipei Dangdai, Kukje Gallery presents a solo booth featuring artist Haegue Yang. Utilizing industrial objects, light and shadow, scent, and heat, Yang creates abstract installations that weave together historical narratives, characters, and social phenomena. Winner of the 2018 Wolfgang Hahn Prize, Yang recently had a solo exhibition at the Museum of Ludwig. Kukje Gallery is thrilled to showcase the artist's iconic Venetian blind installation titled Sol LeWitt Upside Down (2015 -), a series of synthetic straw sculptures titled The Intermediates (2015-), and a wallpaper installation with several two-dimensional pieces from the artist's graphic series. With the context of an art fair in mind, this eclectic collection will offer an insight into Yang's recent interests.
After years of developing a market in Shanghai, Charles Kim and Song Bo-Young discovered that a significant number of Shanghai-based art collectors and art professionals come from Taiwan. "I believe Taipei has the potential to become a thriving art hub with its devoted patrons and excellent museums – the Museum of Contemporary Art and Taipei Fine Art Museum, the host of Taipei Biennale – to name a few, " said Song, "At Taipei Dangdai, we hope to connect with our Taipei-based collectors, and moreover to share our ideas on our art practice with the public and other galleries."
郭怡孜( 6篇 )