MDC畫廊創辦人創始人馬西莫.德.卡羅(Massimo De Carlo)。(MDC畫廊提供)
1987年創立於義大利米蘭的Massimo De Carlo 畫廊(簡稱MDC畫廊),始終緊密維繫於自義大利出發、輻射歐美的藝術市場脈動,為了回應高速發展的美國市場,畫廊於2009 年首度跨出本土、落腳倫敦,也開始積極關注美國年輕藝術家的創作。

Massimo De Carlo 畫廊米蘭文圖拉空間外觀。(MDC畫廊提供)
MDC 畫廊一貫以來的穩健步調也在最近十年延伸至亞太地區,自2013 年起連續參加香港巴塞爾藝術展(Art Basel Hong Kong),並於2016 年正式於香港開設分空間,最近更是開設北京辦事處。創始人馬西莫·德·卡羅(Massimo De Carlo)也數度擔任香港巴塞爾藝術展評委。MDC畫廊不為其代理品味設限,旗下藝術家廣泛觸及各種創作類型,代理從莫瑞吉奧·卡特蘭(Maurizio Cattelan)、喬治.康多(George Condo)到嚴培明、劉曉東、李傑等不同世代歐美、華人藝術家,皆享有較高的國際聲譽。

MDC 畫廊將於「台北當代藝博」呈現卡里.厄普森(Kaari Upson)繪畫作品。(MDC畫廊提供)
過去一年半時間內,MDC 畫廊在全球範圍內參與藝博會的數量穩步增長,並且在連續兩年參加台北藝術博覽會(ART TAIPEI)後,畫廊對台灣市場充滿信心,將為首屆「台北當代藝博」帶來精心策劃的展覽呈現。本次展呈主要分為兩部分,一部分為中國藝術家王郁洋的特別創作計畫;另一部分則將呈現畫廊旗下年輕世代的美國藝術家作品,這其中包括東尼·劉易斯(Tony Lewis)、馬修·莫納漢(Matthew Monahan)、卡里·厄普森(Kaari Upson),以及代表與畫廊有逾20 年長期合作經歷藝術家群的卡斯騰. 霍勒(Carsten Höller) 與約翰·阿穆雷德(John Armleder)。此外MDC畫廊還將為「台北當代藝博」的「藝術沙龍」展區帶來一幅弗萊茲(Roland Flexner)的紙本畫作。
Massimo De Carlo Gallery: Across Europe, America, and Asia Pacific
By Yan Xiao-Xiao
Massimo De Carlo Gallery was founded in 1987 in Milan Italy. Based in Europe, it is closely linked to market movements in Europe and the United States. In response to the fast-growing U.S. market, the gallery first expanded outside of Italy in 2009 to London, and began to focus on the works by young American artists.
Massimo De Carlo Gallery has crossed over at a steady pace to the Asia-Pacific region in last ten years. It has continued to participate in Art Basel Hong Kong in 2013 and Massimo De Carlo gallery officially opened its Hong Kong space in 2016. Furthermore, its Beijing office was established recently. The gallery founder Massimo De Carlo also served in the selection committees for Art Basel Hong Kong on several occasions. Massimo De Carlo Gallery represents artists working in a more variety of mediums and disciplines from Maurizio Cattelan, George Condo, Yan Pei- Ming, Liu Xiaodong, Lee Kit and many other European, American, and Asian artists who receive global recognition.
Over the past year and a half, Massimo De Carlo Gallery has grown steadily in the participation of art fairs around the world, and after coming to Art Taipei for two consecutive years, the gallery has great confidence in the Taiwan art market. For Taipei Dangdai, it was prepared a carefully curated exhibition, featuring a special presentation of works by Chinese artist, Wang Yuyang; and a selection of works by American artists, including Tony Lewis, Matthew Monahan, Kaari Upson; and the artists who have collaborated with the gallery for over 20 years, including Carsten Höller and John Armleder. In addition, Massimo De Carlo gallery is presenting Roland Flexner’s work for the “Salon” sector of Taipei Dangdai.

影像研究出身,關注藝術創作、展演機制範疇內的各方面生態,以及藝術與哲學、科學、社會學、神秘學等跨域連結議題。嗜以藝術為入口,踏上不斷開闢新視野的認知旅程。曾任Blouin Artinfo中文站資深編輯、《典藏•今藝術》資深採訪編輯、《典藏•今藝術&投資》總編輯,現任典藏雜誌社(《典藏•今藝術&投資》、典藏ARTouch)總編輯。