卓納畫廊(David Zwirner):深廣度兼具的商業藝術帝國

卓納畫廊(David Zwirner):深廣度兼具的商業藝術帝國

自1993年於紐約開啟經營之路,卓納畫廊始終與風格創新鮮明、卻又難以為流派所簡單歸類的藝術家合作,並且一直抱持以服務藝術家為中心的思路,為藝術家實現發展願景鋪路。在出身畫商之家的大衛.卓納(David Zwirner)銳利而具文化內涵的眼光和穩健經營下,畫廊逐步發展出明確的藝術代理思路,在歐美具象繪畫、攝影藝術與極簡主義這三大體系下,建立起一份涵納不同世代一線藝術家的耀目代理名單,近期更將沃爾夫岡.提爾曼斯(Wolfgang Tillmans)、黛安. 阿巴斯(Diane Arbus)等重量級攝影家納入代理家庭。
近年來一直未停止擴張步伐的卓納畫廊,於2018年1月、畫廊創立25週年之際落腳香港,以此為據點開啟亞洲市場的開拓之路,創始人卓納更是躍上2018年度「ArtReview 藝術權力百大排行榜」(Power 100)榜單首席。儘管迄今為止尚未代理華人藝術家,但卓納畫廊對此抱持開放態度,以穩健步調在亞洲立足。
卓納畫廊同樣為「台北當代藝博」上的展位定下穩健基調,據其之前在亞洲參加藝博會的經驗,帶來深受亞洲藏家青睞的國際一線藝術家架上繪畫與攝影作品,全面展現畫廊的代理藝術家。其中既有呂克.圖伊曼斯(Luc Tuymans)、尼奧. 勞赫(Neo Rauch) 這兩位歐洲具象繪畫的代表性藝術家,也包括了新近躍上「Power 100」榜單次席的非裔美國畫家馬歇爾(Kerry James Marshall)、甫於卓納畫廊香港空間舉辦個展的奧斯卡.穆里略(Oscar Murillo)、當代極簡藝術代表人物唐納德.賈德(Donald Judd),標誌著卓納畫廊憑其藝術史眼光進一步深入亞洲市場的決心。

David Zwirner: A Commercial Art Empire
By Yan Xiao-Xiao
Since its establishment in New York in 1993, David Zwirner Gallery has worked with artists featuring iconic and recognizable style, but are at the same time challenging to classify in terms of genre. They have always embraced serving artists as its core value, paving the path for artists to realize their visions. Coming from an art dealer family, David Zwirner has a brilliant eye for art and culture influences, and under his steady leadership, David Zwirner Gallery steadily developed a distinct philosophy in their artist representation. Under the three major systems of European and American figurative painting, photographic art, and minimalism, they have composed a spectacular list of high profile artists from different generations, adding to this are the recent inclusion of prominent photographers, Wolfgang Tillmans, and Diane Arbus into their roster of artist representation. Even in recent years, David Zwirner Gallery shows no intention of slowing down their expansion. January 2018, the 25th year of operation, their branch space in Hong Kong was open. This opens up their reach to the Asian market, and its founder David Zwirner was listed as number one on 2018 Art Review Power 100 list. Although they have not yet represented any Chinese artists, they welcome this possibility to establish a firm position in Asia.
David Zwirner aims to set a solid tone for their booth at Taipei Dangdai, presenting an overview of the gallery's represented artists. Drawing from the previous experience of art fairs in Asia, they will be presenting paintings and photographs favored by Asian collectors from internationally renowned artists. Among them are two of the most representative artists from European figurative paintings, Luc Tuymans and Neo Rauch; African-American painter Kerry James Marshall, a new entry to the "Power 100" list; Oscar Murillo who will open his solo exhibition in David Zwirner Gallery Hong Kong; and Donald Judd, representative artist of contemporary minimalism, demonstrating the determination of David Zwirner Gallery to invest further into the Asian market through their expertise in art history. 
嚴瀟瀟(Yan Xiao-Xiao)( 220篇 )

影像研究出身,關注藝術創作、展演機制範疇內的各方面生態,以及藝術與哲學、科學、社會學、神秘學等跨域連結議題。嗜以藝術為入口,踏上不斷開闢新視野的認知旅程。曾任Blouin Artinfo中文站資深編輯、《典藏•今藝術》資深採訪編輯、《典藏•今藝術&投資》總編輯,現任典藏雜誌社(《典藏•今藝術&投資》、典藏ARTouch)總編輯。