科林沁格畫廊由藝術史學家烏蘇拉.科林沁格(Ursula Krinzinger) 於1971 年在奧地利布雷根茲創立,1986 年遷移至維也納。合作的藝術家遍及全球,彼此的合作關係往往長達30、40 年。例如行為藝術家瑪莉娜.阿布拉莫維奇(Marina Abramović),知名作品《托馬斯之唇》(Lips of Thomas)在1975 年的首展,便是於科林沁格畫廊發表;與克里斯.布登(Chris Burden)的合作也可追溯至1992 年。
由畫廊長期合作的藝術家可知,科林沁格畫廊展覽與計畫的主要特色以行為與身體藝術為核心,同時奠基於奧地利「維也納行動主義」(Viennese Actionism)的歷史。長期耕耘於行為藝術的發展,科林沁格畫廊近十餘年來也將其研究觸角擴及至遠東與中東。科林沁格也表示,在其參與其它亞洲藝術博覽會的經驗裡,不少台灣藏家對其藝術家感到高度興趣,因此此次來台以完整呈現畫廊發展方向與樣貌為主,希冀更深化彼此的認識。展出藝術家包含阿布拉莫維奇、阿特利爾.凡.利斯豪特(Atelier Van Lieshout)、瑪莎.瓊沃斯(Martha Jungwirth)、喬納森.梅澤(Jonathan Meese)、漢斯.歐普.德貝克(Hans Op De Beeck)、歐托.匹納(Otto Piene)、張煒,以及正於「大臺北當代藝術雙年展」(Greater Taipei Biennial of Contemporary Arts)參展的年輕藝術家伯恩德.歐普(Bernd Oppl)。
除了畫廊展演,科林沁格也常於其它不同空間策劃展覽。2002 年成立的「科林沁格計畫」(Krinzinger Projekte),邀請國內外年輕藝術家進行駐村計畫,地點包括奧地利、匈牙利與斯里蘭卡,這些計畫,也迅速為其贏得國際名聲。2007 年科林沁格更被授予「奧地利科學與藝術榮譽十字勳章」(Österreichisches Ehrenzeichen für Wissenschaft und Kunst),表彰其對奧地利藝術文化發展的貢獻。一如科林沁格於受訪時所表示的:「經營畫廊最重要的是知識、熱情、對人與溝通的熱愛,最重要的是,對藝術家作品的獨特慧見。」

Galerie Krinzinger: Facing Performance and Critique of Reality
By Chu Yi-An
In 1971, art historian Ursula Krinzinger established Galerie Krinzinger in Bregenz, Austria, and later relocating to Vienna in 1986. Artists represented by Galerie Krinzinger are located all around the globe, with long-standing relationship often as long as thirty or forty years. For example, the 1975 debut of the famous work "Lips of Thomas" by performance artist Marina Abramović was in Galerie Krinzinger; the galley's collaboration with Chris Burden can also be traced back to 1992.
From the artist whom Galerie Krinzinger has represented for a long time, it is possible to see its exhibition and program are centered on performance and the body, building on the history of Viennese Actionism that emerged from Austria. Galerie Krinzinger has dedicated itself to the development of performance art, expanding its research over the past ten years, to include the Middle East and the Far East. According to Krinzinger, from her experience participating in other Asian art fairs, many Taiwanese collectors are highly interested in artists from the gallery. Therefore, Galerie Krinzinger has come to Taiwan this time, to present its development direction and an overview of the gallery in a comprehensive manner, allowing a further understanding between Taiwanese audience and the gallery. Exhibiting artists includes Marina Abramović, Atelier Van Lieshout, Martha Jungwirth, Jonathan Meese, Hans Op De Beeck, Otto Piene, Zhang Wei, and Bernd Oppl who is currently participating in the Greater Taipei Biennial of Contemporary Arts.
In Additional to gallery exhibitions, Galerie Krinzinger often curates exhibitions in various different spaces. In 2002, the "Krinzinger Projekte" was initiated, inviting local and foreign artists to participate in residential projects in various locations, including Austria, Hungary, and Sri Lanka, these projects quickly gained international recognition. Krinzinger was awarded the Austrian Decoration of Honor for Science and Art (Österreichisches Ehrenzeichen für Wissenschaft und Kunst) in 2007, in recognition of her contribution to the development of Austrian arts and culture. As Krinzinger said in an interview, "important aspects of managing a gallery are knowledge, passion, love of communication with others, and most importantly, a sharp eye for artworks."