Taka Ishii 畫廊曾展覽並出版多位當代日本與外國藝術大師的作品,同時也支持年輕藝術家的發展。2001 年,於東京六本木開設了專門展示攝影與電影錄像的新空間,主推日本戰前與戰後藝術,以及在當代藝術脈絡上具代表意義的國內外攝影師。該空間同時也作為放映室使用,展示由攝影師創作、常為人忽視但重要的電影作品。而在策展項目中,畫廊也擴展其研究,探討當代與前衛藝術運動在日本表演藝術、建築與設計之間的關係。2015 年,開設紐約空間,主要向國際推廣1950 至1970 年代日本戰後的藝術家。合作代理的藝術家包含日本知名攝影師荒木經惟(Nobuyoshi Araki)、森山大道(Daido Moriyama)、畠山直哉(Naoya Hatakeyama)等人,年輕一代如川原直人(Naoto Kawahawa)、木村友紀(Yuki Kimura)、竹村京(Kei Takemura)等。
此次參與「台北當代藝博」,Taka Ishii 畫廊重點呈現包括法貴信也(Nobuya Hoki)與斯特林.魯比(SterlingRuby)的新作。法貴信也1966 年出生於日本京都,現於當地從事創作活動,擅長利用點與線的堆疊交織,構造出複雜的空間。1972 年出生,目前工作與居住於美國洛杉磯的魯比則擅長運用不同材質,並透過繪畫、拼貼、雕塑、裝置、影像等媒介進行試驗與創作。其作品往往涉及社會中的暴力與壓力,在看似混亂、引人不悅、怪異或碩大的視覺樣貌下,藉由摧毀與轉化,進而產生美學的昇華。

Taka Ishii 畫廊空間一景。(台北當代藝博提供)
Taka Ishii Gallery: Contemplation of Life and its Phases
By Chu Yi-An
Founded in 1994, Taka Ishii Gallery has dedicated itself to the exploration process of ideological and conceptual foundations in contemporary painting, with photography also being the focus of their aesthetics discussions.
Taka Ishii Gallery has exhibited and published works by many contemporary Japanese and foreign masters while also supporting the development of young artists. In 2001, the gallery opened a new space dedicated to photography, film and video art in Roppongi district, Tokyo, focusing on pre-war and post-war art in Japan, as well as important domestic and international contemporary photography artists. Space is also used as a screening room to showcase important film and video works created by artists who were often overlooked. For the curatorial program, Taka Ishii Gallery also extends its research to explore the relationship between contemporary and avant-garde art movements in Japanese performing arts, architecture, and design. In 2015, the gallery's New York space was opened, mainly to promote the Japanese post-war artists between the 1950s and 1970s to the international scene. Represented artists include famous Japanese photographers Nobuyoshi Araki, Daido Moriyama, Naoya Hatakeyama, etc. and younger generations such as Naoto Kawahawa, Yuki Kimura, and Kei Takemura and so on.
Participating in "Taipei Dangdai", Taka Ishii Gallery presents works by Nobuya Hoki and brand new works by Sterling Ruby. Nobuya Hoki was born in Kyoto, Japan in 1966, where he currently lives and works, he has a talent for using overlapping and intertwining points and lines to construct complex and interesting spaces. Sterling Ruby was born in 1972, currently working and living in Los Angeles, USA. Ruby frequently uses different materials and experimentation, creating his images through various mediums and techniques such as painting, collage, sculpture, installation, and video. His works often involve violence and tension in society. Under the seemingly chaotic, unpleasant, and bizarre visual appearance, he is able to achieve transcendence of aesthetics through destruction.