【Column by Lawyer Lan】Behind the Stage: Copyright Protection for Performing Arts

【Column by Lawyer Lan】Behind the Stage: Copyright Protection for Performing Arts

Taiwan's domestic performing arts scene has experienced significant growth in recent years. As creators and innovators explore diverse forms of performance, audiences are treated to a whole new world of experiences. Yet, the intricate legal relationships forged between theaters, performing groups, and actors through these varying art forms have given rise to increasingly complex collaboration and commercial arrangements. The increasing disputes highlight the urgent need to establish robust legal frameworks and recalibrate market dynamics to maintain harmony in the industry.
全文中文版|【蘭天律師專欄】舞台之後:表演藝術的著作權保護 Taiwan’s domestic performing arts scene has experienced significant growth in recent years. As creators and innovators explore diverse forms of performance, audi...

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黃秀蘭(Huang Shiu-Lan)( 12篇 )
