「烏拉爾當代藝術工業雙年展」(Ural Industrial Biennial of Contemporary Art,簡稱「烏拉爾雙年展」)是俄羅斯境內最大的藝術盛會之一,本屆的雙年展將於今年的9月12日至12月1日,在前蘇聯重工業與軍工業重鎮烏拉爾聯邦地區的葉卡捷琳堡,與西伯利亞聯邦地區等地舉辦,其中展出場地包含烏拉爾光學機械工廠(The Ural Optical and Mechanical Plant)、劇場電影院(Coliseum Cinema)等過去作為工業廠區和非典型的展覽空間中進行。

第五屆「烏拉爾當代藝術工業雙年展」(5th Ural Industrial Biennial of Contemporary Art)主要展區為烏拉爾光學機械工廠(The Ural Optical and Mechanical Plant)。( © Ural Industrial Biennial of Contemporary Art)

第五屆「烏拉爾當代藝術工業雙年展」(5th Ural Industrial Biennial of Contemporary Art)由翁笑雨擔任策展人。( © Ural Industrial Biennial of Contemporary Art)
第五屆「烏拉爾雙年展」由擔任古根漢美術館(The Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum)中國當代藝術項目部副策展人的翁笑雨出任本屆雙年展策展人,展覽邀請了來自25個國家和地區的75位藝術家/團體參與,其中不乏來自台灣的藝術家,包括陳瀅如、許家維和洪子健(James T. Hong)等人。而除了雙年展的主要展區外,亦包含了十位藝術家的駐地創作計畫,以及由藝術史學者、生物科技學者、社會科學家、策展人和藝術家等各領域的專業人士所組成的論壇研討會等平行活動。

第五屆俄羅斯「烏拉爾當代藝術工業雙年展」(5th Ural Industrial Biennial of Contemporary Art)邀請十位藝術家進行駐地創作。( Photo by Sergey Poteryaev, © Ural Industrial Biennial of Contemporary Art)

第五屆「烏拉爾當代藝術工業雙年展」(5th Ural Industrial Biennial of Contemporary Art)主視覺。( © Ural Industrial Biennial of Contemporary Art)
1-2. Zarouhie Abdalian (1982, USA, lives and works in New Orleans) & Joseph Rosenzweig (1981, USA, lives and works in New Orleans)
3. Agency of Singular Investigations (est. in 2014 by Anna Titova and Stanislav Shuripa, Moscow, Russia)
4. Carlos Amorales (1970, Mexico, lives and works in Mexico Сity)
5. Pyotr Antonov (1977, Russia, lives and works in Moscow)
6-7. Evgeny Antufiev (1986, Russia, lives and works in Moscow) & Lyubov Nalogina (1986, Russia, lives and works in Moscow)
8. Elena Artemenko (1988, Russia, lives and works in Moscow)
9. Aram Bartholl (1972, Germany, lives and works in Berlin)
10. Franco Vaccari (1936, Italy, lives and works in Modena)
11-12. Bo Wang (1982, China, lives and works in New York) & Pan Lu (1981, China, lives and works in Hong Kong)
13. Stan VanDerBeek (1927-1984, USA)
14. Anton Vidokle (1965, Russia, lives and works in New York and Berlin)
15. Peter Watkins (1935, United Kingdom, lives and works in France)
16. Cyprien Gaillard (1980, Paris, lives and works in Berlin)
17. Claudia Martínez Garay (1983, Peru, lives and works in Lime and Amsterdam)
18. Felix Gonzalez-Torres (1957-1996, Cuba – USA)
19. Micro-art-group Gorod Ustinov (est. 2010, Izhevask)
20. Ivan Gorshkov (1968, Russia, lives and works in Voronezh)
21. Ilya Grishaev (1984, Russia, lives and works in Perm and Saint-Petersburg)
22. Geumhyung Jeong (1980, South Korea, lives and works in Seoul)
23. Vladislav Efimov (1964, Russia, lives and works in Moscow)
24. Arseny Zhilyaev (1984, Russia, lives and works in Venice and Moscow)
25. Francisco Camacho Herrera (1979, Colombia, lives and works in Amsterdam)
26. Tarik Kiswanson (1986, Sweden, lives and works in Paris and Stockholm)
27. Bruce Conner (1933-2008, USA)
28. Danilo Correale (1983, Italy, lives and works in New York)
29. Egor Kraft (1986, Russia, lives and works in Berlin, London and Saint-Petersburg)
30. Diana Fonseca Quinones (1978, Cuba, lives and works in Havana)
31. Gabriel Lester (1972, The Netherlands, lives and works in Amsterdam)
32. Cristina Lucas (1973, Spain, lives and works in Madrid)
33. Qinmin Liu (1990, China, lives and works in New York)
34. Jill Magid (1973, USA, lives and works in New York)
35. Tala Madani (1981, Iran, lives and works in Los Angeles)
36. Ksenia Markelova (1994, Russia, lives and works in Ekaterinburg)
37-38. Chris Marker (1921-2012, France) & Alain Resnais (1922-2014, France)
39. Sara Modiano (1951-2010, Colombia)
40. Yuko Mohri (1982, Japan, lives and works in Tokyo)
41. Christian Nyampeta (1981, Rwanda, lives and works in New York and London)
42. Adrian Piper (1948, USA, lives and works in Berlin)
43. Pavel Pepperstein (1966, Russia, lives and works in Moscow)
44. Ivan Petrokovich (1991, Russia, lives and works in Moscow)
45. Wong Ping (1984, China, lives and works in Hong Kong )
46. Charlotte Posenenske (1930-1985, Germany)
47. Gala Porras-Kim (1984, Colombia, lives and works in Los Angeles)
48. Araya Rasdjarmrearnsook (1957, Thailand, lives and works in Chiang Mai)
49. Recycle Group (est. in 2008, Moscow, Russia)
50. Roee Rosen (1963, Israel, lives and works in Jerusalem)
51. Ana Roldan (1977, Mexico, lives and works in Zurich)
52. Kirill Savchenkov (1987, Russia, lives and works in Moscow)
53. Aki Sasamoto (1981, Japan, lives and works in New York)
54. Maria Safronova (1979, Russia, lives and works in Moscow)
55. Masha Sedyaeva (1994, Russia, lives and works in Ekaterinburg)
56. Yan Xing (1986, China, lives and works in Los Angeles and Berlin)
57. Timur Si-Qin (1984, Germany, lives and works in Berlin)
58. Nikolay Smirnov (1982, Russia, lives and works in Moscow)
59. Chia-Wei Hsu (1982, Taiwan, lives and works in Taipei)
60. He Xiangyu (1986, China, lives and works in Berlin)
61. Maria Taniguchi (1981, The Philippines, lives and works in Manila)
62. Diana Thater (1962, USA, lives and works in Los Angeles)
63. Ilya Fedotov-Fedorov (1988, Russia, lives and works in Moscow)
64. James T. Hong (1970, USA, lives and works in Taipei)
65. Anastasiya Tsayder (1983, Russia, lives and works in Moscow)
66. Liu Qingyuan (1972, China, lives and works in Guangzhou)
67-68. Anya Cherepanova (1989, Russia, lives and works in Ekaterinburg) & Vitalik Cherepanov (1990, Russia, lives and works in Ekaterinburg)
69. Liu Chuang (1979, China, lives and works in Shanghai)
70. Yin-Ju Chen (1977, Taiwan, lives and works in Taipei)
71. Lieko Shiga (1980, Japan, lives and works in Tokyo)
72. Shimabuku (1969, Japan, lives and works in Okinawa)
73. Ali Cherri (1976, Lebanon, lives and works in Beirut and Paris)
74. Alexander Shishkin-Hokusai (1969, Russia, lives and works in Saint-Petersburg)
75. Ustina Yakovleva (1987, Russia, lives and works in Moscow)
第五屆烏拉爾當代藝術工業雙年展(5th Ural Industrial Biennial of Contemporary Art)