Vu Binh Minh

Vu Binh Minh was born in 1985 in Bac Ninh province, Vietnam, in a family with many generations working in the field of visual arts. He graduated with a master’s degree, majoring in Sculpture from Vietnam University of Fine Arts. Currently, he is a lecturer at Hanoi Architectural University. With the natural artistic talent and passion for art, he has participated in many major national and international art exhibitions. Notably, he is the representative of Vietnamese sculpture to be selected to display his artworks at prestigious world-class art events including: “The 5th Lih Pao International Sculpture Award ”, Taiwan (2021) and especially his artwork displaying at the Minquin Desert Sculpture Park, China (2020)…As for Vu Binh Minh, art is an exploration of his own worldview to reflect on the movement of life.

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Galerie Grand Siècle

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