Shaw Hwei DONG

Shaw Hwei DONG ( 1962- ), a Taiwanese female painter. Graduated from Taipei No. 1 Girls’ High School and the Department of Fine Arts of National Taiwan Normal University; has more than 30 years of creative experience and has published more than 20 solo exhibitions at home and abroad. In the early days, his style of painting leaned towards Impressionism, and he traveled to Europe many times to create his paintings, digesting the bright expressions of color and light and shadow changes in Western paintings. When he was a graduate student, he devoted himself to the study of Chinese Lao-Zhuang philosophy and wrote the book “The Aesthetic Significance of Zhuangzi’s Thought” (Taipei Student Bookstore, 1993). Since then, he has gradually refined and deepened the connotation of his paintings in his creation, and carried out a self-practice process that integrates life and creation.

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