Imavision Gallery

  • Date


  • VIP Preview

    04.14.2022 (Thu.) 12:00 – 21:00

  • Venue

    EXPO Dome, Taipei Expo Park (No. 1, Yumen Street, Zhongshan District, Taipei City)

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Visions of shimmering colors

“Many fiber artists use plain fabrics, but I hope to be able to show the beauty of different designs on these fabrics.” Danny Amazonas said, if you use plain fabrics to create, perhaps the entire creative timeline will be much simpler. But it is precisely because of the designs of these fabric artists that each piece of fabric has a unique characteristic, which inspired him to want to show the unique beauty of these fabrics in his creation at the same time.
Mosaic collage creation has nourished Danny Amazonas’s sensitivity to objects, his characteristics of each piece of fabric and the effect of deconstruction, which led him to develop another “Freehand Patchwork” series of creations. Although Danny Amazonas calls this series “Freehand Patchwork”, it is more like an artist who has achieved a certain degree of familiarity in aesthetic experience and creative skills, and can gradually fade away from the rigorous calculation framework, making the work more flexible and more flexible. comfortable.
In the Freehand Patchwork series of ” Danny Amazonas ” (Freehand Patchwork), the works are no longer composed of square grids. Instead, they use randomly cut fabrics to compose the pictures in an orderly sequence and reorganize them to form a new Image. Its creative logic is closer to painting creation, with thick stacking, depth of field, light and shadow changes, and three-dimensionality.
The transformation of Danny Amazonas’s works from series to series is just like that in the later stages of creation by many realistic painting artists, they gradually move towards the creation of colors and shapes as the main direction, and focus more on the overall line and presentation, and gradually reject them. Creations headed by realistic techniques.
Bringing the artist’s latest series of creations, trying to integrate the beauty of the gradation and rendering of the process of blending color ink into water in Chinese ink and wash, through various techniques such as stacking, sewing, and interweaving of various patterns.

Compared with the United States, the degree of attention, tolerance, and universality of fiber art in Taiwan’s contemporary art does still have a long way to go. Although Danny Amazonas is a Taiwanese artist, after years of accumulation in fiber art creation, he has researched many unique creative techniques. Therefore, he is often invited to give lectures in European countries and gain popularity in European and American countries. In addition to Danny Amazonas’s solo exhibition after returning to Taiwan for many years, his solo exhibition “Sex Movement and Heart Movement” also hopes that through this exhibition, more people in Taiwan can understand the creative field of fiber art.

Danny Amazonas,Blooming heart,2022
Danny Amazonas,Yellow+and+Blue,2022
Danny Amazonas,Guardians,2022
Danny Amazonas,Gauging,2022
Danny Amazonas,Admiration,2022